
"In life, we don't get what we deserve,
we get what we can negotiate."

Klyn Elsbury is a distinguished sales strategist, keynote speaker, and best-selling author, celebrated for her transformative impact in sales training, recruiting, and personal development. Born with Cystic Fibrosis, a life-threatening genetic condition with an average lifespan of 21 years, Klyn has defied all odds to achieve remarkable success in her professional life.


Despite extensive hospitalizations and severe health challenges, including being told she wouldn’t live past 14 and a near-death episode at 25, Klyn’s determination grew stronger. She founded MK Foundation from a hospital ward, helping companies generate millions in revenue and significantly enhance their sales and recruiting strategies.

As the author of two best-selling books: “I Am ____: The Untold Story of Success” and “Unstuck Yourself: A 30-Day Proven Sales Playbook”, her expertise in writing sales scripts that boost sales performance and her success in recruiting top salespeople and managers have distinguished her in the industry.

Klyn’s workshops and training programs focus on enhancing sales performance, overcoming obstacles, and utilizing neuroscience techniques for personal and professional growth. She has received multiple awards for her innovative sales training and recruiting programs, further cementing her reputation as a leading expert in the field.

Her powerful techniques have been featured in Forbes, NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, and Success Magazine. Through her speaking engagements, she continues to inspire, sharing insights on resilience, motivation, and achieving seemingly impossible goals.


Klyn Elsbury

Client Testimonials

Some of Klyn's Previous Engagements

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